About our Spelling....
We will ease into our spelling routine the first couple weeks of school. Once we are in the routine we will have a spelling pretest on Mondays to determine which list each student will be on: Modified (10 words), Basic (15 words) and Challenge (15 Basic List + 8 vocabulary words from weekly story).
There is nightly homework for spelling. Day 1 is a pretest to determine an appropriate list for your child. Homework is to write the words 3 times each. Days 2 through 4 are various spelling practice pages. Day 5 is usually a "Mock Test" (parents give children a pretend spelling test, then students correct it using their list and write any misspelled words 3 times each on the back). Day 6 Buddy study and test.
HOWEVER, if day 6 is on a Monday, I will give the spelling test on Day 5 Friday (instead over carrying words over the weekend for a test on Monday - I don't feel that's fair.)
**If your child forgets his/her homework at school, please do one of the following on a piece of paper: write words 3 times each again, write sentences for each word, or put your words in abc order.
We use the weekly spelling lists that go with our weekly Wonders reading story. Go to "Spelling City" on my webpage for this week's words - the list and practice games : )