cryptids could be real...

cryptids could be real...

by Deleted user -
Number of replies: 9
cryptids could be real. they have creatures in books that look like similiar creatures of today. so is it possible that animals of different species could have mated, thus making an unknown creature. for instance the liger half lion half tiger..
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Re: cryptids could be real...

by Deleted user -
i understand your theory..but the chances for two different species to combine their genetic information are slim to none
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Re: cryptids could be real...

by Deleted user -
Yea but there could be acidents. Or how humans give birth to mutated children. That could happen to animals also.
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Re: cryptids could be real...

by Deleted user -
Umm.. what is a crptid? and I can understand where you are coming from but I don't know if that is the reason for it.
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Re: cryptids could be real...

by Deleted user -
don't get me wrong i understand what you're trying to get at but it's one of those subjects that will have to be taken up with intense scinetific research
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Re: cryptids could be real...

by Deleted user -
i understand where you are coming from like Mr.Reid said its and theroy not a fact there can be other creatures out there. Nice Job<3
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Re: cryptids could be real...

by Deleted user -

Check out this site to find out what a cryptid is...

And thank you Jarius "Napoleon" Moore for starting this discussion.