are monsters real

are monsters real

by Deleted user -
Number of replies: 4
After watching two clips of mothman i sorta kinda believe it but not really. The movie looks like any other horrar movie.
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Re: are monsters real

by Deleted user -
Tchara you are you gonna sorta believe in the movie?? can't be on the fence you have to be either-or haha
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Re: are monsters real

by Deleted user -
Why cant i be on the fence? I think i can because until i get some proof then i will choose if i belive in monsters or not.
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Re: are monsters real

by Deleted user -
ok so then you should take your non-believing self to Point Pleasant, West Virginia and check out the area and see if you see the Mothman =)
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Re: are monsters real

by Deleted user -
toooooo  carrrrr ruhhhh.. i'm saying though. i agree with you, i'm on the fence and to top that off that is a movie based on what happened Issac. it's not real footage.