East Stroudsburg Area Senior High School-South
East Stroudsburg Area School District
279 North Courtland St.
East Stroudsburg, PA. 18301
(570) 424-8471
FAX (570) 420-8353
Principal: Mike Catrillo
Asst. Principals: Dawn Dailey
Theresa Benjamin
Dave Evans
September 2010
To the Ninth Grade Parents/Guardians:
This letter is to inform you of the Health Education Unit: Human Sexuality that is being taught during this school year. Human Sexuality and Human Growth and Development is a grade level specific program that has been developed through the cooperation of a parent’s committee, central administration and our Health and Physical Education staff. It is taught in a co-educational format and is handled with attention to the needs of the individual student in a structured environment. The main focus of this class will be a unit project designed to give the students an understanding of the responsibilities of adult life skills. This unit includes review of puberty, abstinence, male and female reproduction and includes content on responsibilities of the individual, family structures, family continuum, contraception, STD/STI’s, HIV/AIDS, and sexual harassment issues. Many other current health topics will be discussed throughout the quarter.
Parents are welcome to view any and all materials before they are presented to their children. Arrangements must be made through the office of the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction at the Central Administration building (570-424-8500). The East Stroudsburg Area School District feels that if any parent wishes that their child not be a part of this portion of the Health Education Curriculum, they may make arrangements with Mr. Dave Evans, Assistant Principal for Ninth Grade Students. At this time, the student will be put into an Independent study during the regular class period. Since the opening of East Stroudsburg High School South, less than 1% of our parents have chosen the “opt out” method. If there are any questions, please direct them to Mr. Dave Evans (424-8471). Thank you
Mike Catrillo
Cc: Irene Duggins (Asst. Superintendent)
Dawn Dailey (Asst. Principal)
Aimee Ellison (H/PE Dept. Chair)
- Teacher: Aimee Ellison