Fifth Grade Numbers
Whole Numbers:
Use expanded notation less than 10,000,000
Identify number with place value from millions to thousandths
Compare whole numbers through 9 digits using
More, less, equal, most, greater than, less than or the symbols
Identify negative numbers on a number line or thermometer (greater than or equal to -20)
Identify prime and composite numbers
Identify factors and/or multiples of a given number less than or equal to 50
Solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers
Performance Task- Selling Pencils
Round whole numbers through millions
Estimate to solve problems with whole numbers
Use expanded notation to hundredth
Read and write decimals numbers through thousandths
Compare and order decimals through the thousandths
Solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of decimals
Round decimals through hundredths
Estimate to solve problems with decimals
Compare proper fractions to 16 ths w/like and unlike denominators
Show sets or regions to model fractions and mixed numbers to hundredths
- Solve problems involving fractions
Performance Task- Fractions of a Pizza
Last modified: Sunday, August 5, 2012, 5:52 PM