Third Grade Geometry
Name/identify/describe geometric shapes in two-dimensions: circle, triangle, square, rectangle, pentagon, hexagon, octagon
Brain Builder - Draw a shape on a grid
Name/identify geometric shapes un three dimensions: sphere, cube, cylinder, cone, pyramid, rectangular
Brain Builder - Make steps with cubes
Identify/draw right angles and right triangles formed by line segments, in geometric figures, on a geoboard, and/or in real-world objects .
Recognize a translation (slide), reflection (flip) or rotation (turn) of a simple two-dimensional figure.
Flip and Rotate Guide (ClarisWorks File)
Flip and Rotate - Lesson Plan
Flip and Rotate - Student work sheet
Identify/draw a line of symmetry in a two-dimensional figure .
Identify symmetrical two-dimensional shapes .
Last modified: Sunday, August 5, 2012, 5:52 PM